Civic Commons Stories
Discover the Akron Civic Commons in action
Rogers Family Donates $1 Million Dollars to Lock 3 Vision Plan
The Richard S. and Alita Rogers Family Foundation is committing $1 million to support the Lock 3 Vision Plan, which focuses on the transformation of Lock 3 in downtown Akron for the benefit of residents and visitors.
Partner Profile: Lori Pesci
This week, we’re highlighting Lori Pesci, a Youngstown transplant and Deputy Director of Public Safety with the Summit County Executive’s Office. (And you’ll meet Gus.)
Downtown Akron: Shop Small
Our Downtown Akron businesses have seen a year like never before. Beginning with orange cones and ending with empty streets for longer than expected.
Resident Profile: Greg Nyburg
This week, we’re highlighting Greg Nyburg, a new resident in Downtown, and a supervisor with the City of Akron’s Recreation and Parks Division at Reservoir Park and Community Center.
Summer 2020 in Downtown
Kelli Fetter of Downtown Akron Partnership (DAP) offers a quick look at the downtown activities happening this summer, even if they just look a little different.